In the Iron Age, it was controlled by the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian empires. Galbraith notes that around the time of the invasion the ancient city was looted and a group of U.S. Marines were eventually assigned to guard the site. Both are known for their excellent … "Once established, however, such a system could reap the benefit of rich alluvial soils and support extremely productive agriculture on the levees of canals.". Middle Eastern religion, any of the religious beliefs, attitudes, and practices developed in the ancient Middle East (extending geographically from Iran to Egypt and from Anatolia and the Aegean Sea to the Arabian Peninsula and temporally from about 3000 to 330 bc, when Alexander the Great conquered much of the area). Moreover, few archaeologists have the funds to employ large teams of excavators. Shifts in climate – both large and small – are at least partly responsible for the rise and fall of many ancient civilizations. Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was a bronze-age civilization. Rai Bahadur Dayaram Sahni (RD Sahani) was the First who excavated the remains of Harrappa Civilization in 1921 and Rakhal Dass Banerji excavated Mohenjodaro in 1922. That is why it was called Babel — because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. Reply Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. The chronology of the Bronze Age follows the official Assyrian dates back to the 15th century B.C. The Iraqi Directorate of Antiquities restored its lower stages in the 1980s. Read more about Indus Valley Civilization, town planning in IVC and other IVC facts for IAS Exam. "Most of the city was rebuilt by Saddam in the mid to late 1980s to recreate it as it was in the era of King Nebuchadnezzar, 600 B.C.," writes journalist Robert Galbraith in his book "Iraq: Eyewitness to War - A Photojournalist's Diary" (self-published, 2004). Today, Mesopotamian excavators have much higher standards of accuracy and care in recording than in the old days, so that few dig huge areas the way Ur was excavated. ... Indus valley civilization flourished along the bank of river Indus, while Mesopotamian civilization flourished along the banks of Tigris and Euphrates. In 605 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar II, of biblical fame, would take over, and he was now in a position to build an empire. Islamic State is destroying ancient cities excavated by three remarkable men in the middle of the 19th Century - among them the first Iraqi archaeologist. If there was a warm welcome for the Persians it didn't last. Contributions To Human Development . Contributions To Human Development . In 528–526 B.C., Babylon and the area around it was hit by a famine that was brought about by the failure of barley crops, said Kristin Kleber, a lecturer at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, in a paper published in 2012 in the journal Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie. Ultimately, Hammurabi's empire was not to last, falling into decline after his death. They were carved from a single block. Assyrian relief. Grounded almost wholly on the culture of Sumer, Babylonian cultural achievements left a deep impression on the entire ancient world, and particularly on the Hebrews and the Greeks. It is … The famous tower of babel story from Gen 11:1-9 has strong Mesopotamian echoes. Nowadays, Lamassu are still found standing proud. 08 September 2017. The Mesopotamian collection of the Oriental Institute Museum was acquired almost exclusively through archaeological excavations. Archaeologists know little about what Babylon itself looked like during Hammurabi's reign. (Image credit: The Schøyen Collection MS 2063, Oslo and Londo), Marduk's battle with Anzu. He used his time wisely. "It is a beautiful finely carved sandstone castle, and looks like an Arabian palace. This is the achievement of the Sumerian people. Leick notes that the city was put under direct Assyrian rule from 729-627 B.C. 1. As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. The king also had a northern palace (which hasn't been fully excavated) and a summer palace, on the northern tip of the outer wall. 2183–2159 B.C. MESOPOTAMIAN ART AND ARCHITECTURE Mesopotamian art and architecture were produced by the diverse peoples who occupied the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers from about 3500 to 539 BC. It is located in the Sinjar valley some 7km southwest from the town of Tal Afar in northern Iraq. (Image credit: Photo Credit: A 16th century depiction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (by Martin Heemskerck)). Located about 60 miles (100 kilometers) south of Baghdad in modern-day Iraq, the ancient city of Babylon served for nearly two millennia as a center of Mesopotamian civilization. The ruins of Babylon as they were in 1932. ), in historical context. Most important Non-Utilitarian Copper Object excavated from Harappan Civilization is Dancing Girl found at Mohenjodaro . The site consists of several hills reflecting the development of the Hassuna culture, and then of the Halaf and Ubaid cultures.. You will receive a verification email shortly. Scholars do not know where the Hanging Gardens were in Babylon, or even if they really existed, but ancient writers described them in detail. One of a pair excavated from the Great Death Pit, at Ur. The area was excavated in the mid-20th century; archaeologists found that the earliest artifacts and structures date to about 7,300 years ago, Bahrani noted. its not the Timeline of Ancient Mesopotamian civilization: c. 5000-3500 BC: its Indus Valley Civilization with perfect sewage and drainage system &hence it says INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION is the oldest one . Taylor in 1854-55. "At home he concentrated on improving the economic basis of his kingdom by building canals and strengthening fortifications," she writes. The area excavated so far contains two large building complexes built around square courtyards. Among their findings, archaeologists discovered a library of 20,000 volumes, dictionaries and complete works … Babylon would be turned into a U.S. military base. ", One of the biggest shrines was named Esagil, dedicated to Marduk. The oldest monumental sculptures are about 10-14 feet (3.05-4.27 meters) tall and they are made of alabaster. King). The resulting way of life proved to be so effective that it underwent relatively little change for some 1200 years. It was not discovered until the 1920's. By These animals are evidence of the relations existing between the Akkadian Empire and the region of Meluhha, identified with the Indus Valley, where they originated. It exerted influence on all the neighboring countries, especially the kingdom of Assyria, which adopted Babylonian culture almost in its entirety. They have had an enduring influence on Western civilization. ), the Seleucids, the Parthians and even the Romans. Underneath, a river winds its way between the mountains, represented in a conventional manner by a motif composed of two lines of scales. Pages: 145. Mesopotamia is called the cradle of civilization for numerous developments. The tiles were glazed in blue and yellow, something common among the most important structures in Nebuchadnezzar II's Babylon. In the sixth century B.C., the Achaemenid (Persian) empire would rise to the east, a kingdom so powerful that it would one day try to invade territories as far west as Greece. It stands at 2.25 meters in height and was erected by the king of Babylon in the 18th century BC. Located between two larger kingdoms at Larsa and Ashur, he was cautious. Built by Nebuchadnezzar II and named after Ishtar, a goddess of love and war, the Ishtar Gate served as the ceremonial entrance to the inner wall of Babylon, a route that ultimately leads to the ziggurat and Esagil shrine. (3300–1300 BC; mature period 2600–1900 BC, pre-Harappan cultures starting c.8000 BCE. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Leick also notes that debt slavery was a problem, and Hammurabi, and later his successors, had to occasionally cancel debts. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. According to legend, 6th-century Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar had a colossal maze of waterfalls and dense vegetation planted across his palace for a wife, who missed her lush homeland. In the center of the composition, the text panel containing the inscription is supported on the backs of the buffalo. In this article, we have discussed some of the important points of Indus Valley Civilization for the UPSC exam. ", But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The Aphrodite of Melos better known as the Venus De Milo was excavated on the Cycladean island of Milos in 1820 and is one of the few sculptures that represent the Hellenistic period (Touchette). [20] Over time the southernmost parts of Sumerian Mesopotamia suffered from increased salinity of the soils, leading to a slow urban decline and a … Women, however, could obtain a divorce and own property. Herodotus may have exaggerated its size somewhat with modern-day scholars believing that it rises up seven rather than eight levels. Passage 2. 7. Two nude heroes with long curls are represented kneeling on one knee in a strictly symmetrical composition. There were also rules that stipulated that a widowed woman should receive an inheritance and that an unmarried woman should receive financial support from her brothers after the death of her father. He was an Amorite, a Semitic-speaking people from the area around modern-day Syria. Here, the earliest cities in world history appeared, about 3500 BC. A rare and exquisite example of Sumerian metalwork of the Third Millennium BCE. Women did not always receive equal treatment under Hammurabi's code. Cylinder seal of Ibni-sharrum, a scribe of Shar-kali-sharri (left) and impression (right), ca. 8. For UPSC 2021 preparation, follow BYJU’S. Babylon is the most famous city from ancient Mesopotamia whose ruins lie in modern-day Iraq 59 miles (94 kilometres) southwest of Baghdad. Features of Dancing Girl. With the death of the king of Ashur, and the power vacuum resulting from it, Hammurabi was able to expand. ... Mesopotamian literature stops referring to Meluha by the end of 1900 BCE . The civilization was founded by Sargon the Great , and was a collection of city states under the control of Sargon’s city, Akkad. Located about 60 miles (100 kilometers) south of Baghdad in modern-day Iraq, the ancient city of Babylon served for nearly two millennia as a center of Mesopotamian civilization. © In 2010 the U.S. government announced that it would spend $2 million to conserve Babylon's Ishtar Gate. Through military conquests, Nebuchadnezzar II would come to rule an empire that stretched from the Persian Gulf to the borders of Egypt. It was first excavated by British excavator J.E. NO dude! The Ziggurat at Ur was first excavated by British archaeologist Woolley in 1923. He was the ruler who would go on to turn this once small kingdom into a great empire. These acts "hint at a less rosy picture of crushing debt burdens incurred through falling agricultural productivity and high interest rate on loan capital taken out to meet tax demands and other obligations.". The story reads in Genesis: Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. Comparative Study of Harappan and Mesopotamian Civilization, Hey Subscribers/Non subscribers thank you for watching this, this channel is Related to :- 1. The name is thought to derive from bav-il or bav-ilim which, in the Akkadian language of the time, meant 'Gate of God' or 'Gate of the Gods' and 'Babylon' coming from Greek.. Leick writes that Hammurabi's stature was such that he became regarded as a god. While this deterred some looting it caused damage to the ancient city and left more modern remains (including a basketball hoop) at the site that had to be cleaned up. This inscription, made in the name of Tiglath-pileser I, a king of Assyria, records the conquest of Babylon. The earliest civilization of MESOPOTAMIA was created by Sumerian-speaking people, and although their Sumerian language was preserved, the Publisher: Clarendon Press. Leick notes that on Oct. 29, 539 B.C., Babylon fell to Cyrus the Great, the legendary Persian leader. However, the code did have rules that protected woman who had to live with another man because their husband had been captured in war. came to the rescue, so to speak, defeating Elam and bringing the statue back. (Image credit: Photograph from the G. Eric and Edith Matson Photograph Collection, Library of Congress, in public domain), National Geographic: Beautiful Babylon: Jewel of the Ancient World, The Guardian: Babylon — how war almost erased ‘mankind’s greatest heritage site’, Mount Etna's fiery eruptions seen from space (satellite photos), Swarm of 20,000 earthquakes could make Iceland's volcanoes erupt, Lab-grown black hole analog behaves just like Stephen Hawking said it would, Shark gets stabbed in the head, washes ashore in Los Cabos, Sherlock Holmes' famous memory trick really works, Black holes could be dark stars with 'Planck hearts', Ancient helmet worn by soldier in the Greek-Persian wars found in Israel, Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice. Galbraith reported from Iraq after the 2003 U.S. invasion and visited Babylon shortly after the U.S. occupation of Iraq began. Archive of Mesopotamian Archaeological Reports (AMAR) Save to favorites Bismya, or The lost city of Adab: a story of adventure, of exploration, and of excavation among the ruins of the oldest of the buried cities of Babylonia Nebuchadnezzar II's city would have no less than three major palaces. ISIL forces failed to reach Babylon during their 2014 offensive and, as such, the city was spared the destruction that befell other ancient sites occupied by the terrorist group. Buried for 4,000 years, this ancient culture could expand the 'Cradle of Civilization' Flooding in 2001 near Jiroft, Iran, exposed the ruins of an ancient necropolis from a … Babylonian art and architecture continues to amaze contemporary historians. Mesopotamia. Groundwater has been a problem at Babylon and a proposal to use underground dams to lower and control groundwater at the site was published in 2015 by a team of scientists from the University of Babylon, in Iraq, in the "International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology.". Leick writes that with his success, the New Year festival became increasingly important. Year: 1997. The calm equilibrium of the composition, based on horizontal and vertical lines, confers on this minuscule relief a monumentality entirely characteristic of the late Akkadian period style. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other. Please refresh the page and try again. Archaeologists still debate the garden's existence. Phoenicia was an ancient civilization composed of independent city-states located along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea stretching through what is now Syria, Lebanon and northern Israel.The Phoenicians were a great maritime people, known for their mighty ships adorned with horses' heads in honor of their god of the sea, Yamm, the brother of Mot, the god of death. Another great accomplishment, if the ancient stories are true, is the construction of the Hanging Gardens, a wonder of the ancient world, which some believe was built by the biblical king Nebuchadnezzar II. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Overview and Timeline of Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization Mesopotamia is one of the cradles of human civilization. Essay on veterinary science argumentative essay romeo and juliet who's to blame how to write a reflective essay about a book. Mesopotamian Timeline . Still, rebuilding the structure would have been an impressive feat and, as some scholars believe, may have inspired the biblical story of the Tower of Babel. "This victory signalled the annexation of all the old urban centers, such as Ur, Uruk, Isin and Larsa," Leick writes. ... Mesopotamian civilization Elena García. It was "for use in summer when the city air was stifling and its smells at their worst," writes George. The Ziggurat at Ur was first excavated by British archaeologist Woolley in 1923. Musée du Louvre, Département des Antiquités Orientales, Paris  AO 22303. and adjusts Babylonian chronology to them with the aid of the new Mari synchronisms between Assyria, Mari and Babylonia.1 (For an important note on priority of Mesopotamian civilization, see Finegan, In the Beginning, pp. CAMS 010 (GH;IL) Mesopotamian Civilization (3) Cultural, technological, literary, political, and economic achievements of peoples who occupied the region of Mesopotamia (4,000-331 B.C.E. Further campaigns against Assyria and Mari further expanded Hammurabi's empire. To date, there are eighteen excavated Sumerian cities in total. It would take a war waged by a king named Nabopolassar (allied with an Iranian people called the Medians) to free Babylon and eventually conquer the Assyrian capital at Nineveh in 612 B.C. ... Mesopotamian … In the chaos that followed these events, a people called the Kassites (also known as the galzu) came to power in Babylon. “A universally accepted chronology for the entire ancient Near East remains to be established. "Babylon reached its greatest glory as a city during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II," writes University of London professor Andrew George in a chapter of the book "Babylon." Mesopotamian Civilization Essay. It turned into a "lingua franca for the whole Near East from the fifteenth to the end of the thirteenth century," Leick writes. Sargon reigned from approximately 2334-2279 BC and conquered all of southern Mesopotamia as well as parts of Syria, Anatolia, and Elam (now western Iran) establishing the region's first Semitic dynasty. The area that Babylon is located in is "subject to very high temperatures and lies well beyond the reach of rain-fed agriculture," writes Michael Seymour, a research associate at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in his book "Legend, History and the Ancient City of Babylon" (I.B. The first is the Law Code of Hammurabi, the symbol of Mesopotamian civilization and a work of art, history and literature. The Harappan Civilization was one of the oldest civilization in the Indian sub-continent known for its modern structures.It was a Bronze Age Civilization in the northwestern region of South Asia. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth. Live Science is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Tauris, 2014). They believed in many gods - polytheism Marduk, the Dragon god 9. She notes that parents gave their children names that meant "Hammurabi is my help" or "Hammurabi is my god.". Craftsmen and Peasants Slaves Scribes Priests King and nobility Mesopotamian Society 10. Most of its ruins, even its major cities, remain to be excavated. During this long span of time the Babylonian social structure, economic organization, arts and crafts, science and literature, judicial system, and religious beliefs underwent considerable modification, but generally only in details, not in essence. New York, However Babylon would never be independent again. Jul 2, 2019 - The cradle of civilization in the West, Bronze Age Mesopotamia included Sumer and the Akkadian, Babylonian, and Assyrian empires, all native to the territory of modern-day Iraq. The ancient scientists who lived in the city made important discoveries in mathematics, physics and astronomy. ; Akkadian, reign of Shar-kali-sharri. They had access to good horses, giving them a military advantage. Among their many accomplishments, they developed trigonometry, used mathematical models to track the planet Jupiter and developed methods of tracking time that are still used today. While the Law Code of Hammurabi (now in the Louvre) is well known for its "eye for an eye" style of lawmaking, it also sets out the nature of the relationship between Hammurabi, the gods and the people he ruled. (Translation by A.D Godley, through Perseus Digital Library). Mesopotamian religion Mesopotamian warrior-god, gold figurine. Dates after ca 1500 BCE are generally agreed upon; important sites are listed in parentheses after each period. The country consisted of a dozen or so cities, surrounded by villages and hamlets. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. But that's the problem; it is obtrusive, misplaced and tacky to the limit. It included a throne room with a glazed brick panel showing palmettes, floral reliefs and lions. Craftsmen and Peasants Slaves Scribes Priests King and nobilityMesopotamian Society 9. Language: english. The preamble to the code says that "then Anu and Bel [both gods] called by name me, Hammurabi, the exalted prince, who feared God, to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak ..." (Translation by L.W. would be a rocky one for Babylon, one filled with many wars and some successes. Reply The French ", They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. c. 5000-3500 BC: The first city-states gradually develop in southern Mesopotamia. Hundreds of graves have been excavated in parts of Mesopotamia, revealing information about Mesopotamian burial habits. The next millennia would see the city fall under the sway of several different empires, including that of Alexander the Great (who died in Babylon in 323 B.C. Leick notes that Hammurabi had to be patient before he could expand. Joachim Marzahn writes in a chapter of "Babylon" that the "amazing Ishtar Gate, composed of an ante-gate in the outer wall and the main gate in the larger inner wall of the city, with a 48 meter-long (158 feet) passage, was decorated with no fewer than 575 depictions of animals (according to calculations made by excavators)," noting that these "pictures, of bulls and dragons, representing the holy animals of the weather god Adad and the imperial god Marduk, were placed in alternating rows.". The Greek writer Herodotus, who lived in the fifth century B.C., describes it as a "solid tower" which is "two hundred and twenty yards long and broad; a second tower rises from this and from it yet another, until at last there are eight ...", He says that "in the last tower there is a great shrine; and in it stands a great and well-covered couch, and a golden table nearby. However there are several striking differences between the Harappan and Mesopotamian civilizations. (2.400-2.500 B.C.) They appear to have made an effort to win over the people of Babylon, "they brought back the statue of the major deity, Marduk, which had been stolen by the Hittites, and restored his cult in Babylon" Paulus writes. Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) is the beginning of the history of India. The mouths of the lions are open, baring their teeth, and the manes of the creatures are finely detailed. Sumerian is considered to be Mesopotamia’s earliest language. They are all concentrated on and around the branches and canals of the Euphrates River. Ancient Babylonian records are still used by modern-day astronomers to study how the rotation of the Earth has changed. Philo of Byzantium writes (around 250 BC) that: "The Hanging Gardens [is so-called because it] has plants cultivated at a height above ground level, and the roots of the trees are embedded in an upper terrace rather than in the earth. Babylon struggled over the following centuries, and the Assyrians would invade again. The Indus River Valley Civilization, also known as Harappan civilization, developed the first accurate system of standardized weights and measures, some as accurate as to 1.6 mm. On the basis of the Royal Canon of Ptolemy, a second century A.D. astronomer, regnal dates can be determined with certainty in Babylonia only as far back as 747 B.C. Mesopotamian religion Mesopotamian warrior-god, gold figurine. Cyrus claimed that "I went as harbinger of peace into Babylon," Cyrus claimed (translation by Irving Finkel) and that he "I founded my sovereign residence within the palace amid celebration and rejoicing.". Redman, Charles L. 1976, The Rise of Civilization: From Early Farmers to Urban Society in the Ancient Near East, W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco 76ff.) One such example, a wonder of the ancient world, was the Babylonian Hanging Gardens . A new Babylonian ruler named Nebuchadnezzar I (1126-1105 B.C.) Every spring the king, his courtiers, priests and statues of the gods traveled along the processional way, traveling to the Akitu Temple to celebrate the New Year festival. She notes that in 1894 B.C., after the Ur-based empire had collapsed, the city was conquered by a man named Samu-abum. This civilization can be counted in Protohistoric age or Bronze Age and mainly Dravidians were living in this civilization. A reconstruction of it that incorporates surviving materials is currently in the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Vorderasiatisches Museum in Germany. and during a rebellion in 689 B.C. Like no other city, its history has become bound up with legend..." write researchers Irving Finkel and Michael Seymour in the book "Babylon" (Oxford University Press, 2008). Religion played a key role. Serpentine; H. 3.9 cm (1 1/2 in. Also known as the Harappan civilization, it dates back to 2500 years ago. Download Indus Valley Civilization notes PDF. Stay up to date on the coronavirus outbreak by signing up to our newsletter today. "Nebuchadnezzar lavished attention on the cult-rooms: there were gold, silver and gemstones everywhere...". They believed in many gods - polytheism Marduk, the Dragon god 8. Traditionally, the Mesopotamian civilization starts with the Ubaid period of about 4500 BCE and lasts until the fall of Babylon and the beginning of the Persian Empire. Researcher Susanne Paulus notes in a 2011 paper published in the journal Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte (Supplements to the Journal of Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Legal History) that, adding insult to injury, the Hittites seized the statue of Marduk, who had become a principal god of the Babylonians. Hammurabi himself would discuss the nature of his divinity in his famous law code. Back to the list of civilizations The Babylonian people represent a DLC civilization for Civilization V that was released in October 2010. In 1595 B.C., the Hittite ruler Mursili I captured Babylon, bringing the rule of Hammurabi's successors to a close. Mesopotamian synonyms, Mesopotamian pronunciation, Mesopotamian translation, English dictionary definition of Mesopotamian. The whole mass is supported on stone columns, so that the entire underlying space is occupied by carved column bases ..." (Translation by Professor David Oates), Another, later, account is by Diodorus Siculus (first century B.C.). (Genesis 11:1-9, NIV), In 2011, an ancient stele with an image of Nebuchadnezzar II was formally published. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. Also Herodotus believed it was dedicated to the god Bel rather than Marduk. Women, however, could obtain a divorce and own property. ); Diam. Out of Nabopolassar's efforts a new golden age would emerge for Babylon. Sumer was a continuous civilization for a few thousand years until about 2000BC. Even present-day civilization is indebted culturally to Babylonian civilization to some extent. 3100 … They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly. This is the technique of its construction. The artifact has been given the name "The Tower of Babel Stele.". Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Known as Harappan Civilisation, it existed between 3300 BC to 1900 BC. The Indus civilization apparently evolved from the villages of neighbours or predecessors, using the Mesopotamian model of irrigated agriculture with sufficient skill to reap the advantages of the spacious and fertile Indus River valley while controlling the formidable annual flood that simultaneously fertilizes and destroys. Using the Phoenician alphabet, this limestone frieze in Punic, ca. In addition, Marzahn writes that a processional way ran through the Ishtar Gate, and for about 590 feet (180 m) had images of lions carved in relief. the rise of the Mesopotamian civilization. Mesopotamia (Arabic: بِلَاد ٱلرَّافِدَيْن ‎ Bilād ar-Rāfidayn; Ancient Greek: Μεσοποταμία; Classical Syriac: ܐܪܡ ܢܗܪ̈ܝܢ Ārām-NahrÄ«n or ܒܝܬ ܢܗܪ̈ܝܢ Bēṯ NahrÄ«n) is a historical region of Western Asia situated within the Tigris–Euphrates river system, in the northern part …
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