Last year I added a new habit of reading books to by daily rituals. Water that is polluted due to contaminants is not fit for human use like drinking. Contaminated water from drains and industries which flows above the topmost layer of the soil usually creeps into the soil and gets mixed with the groundwater, thereby polluting it. The atmosphere had no to very little oxygen, and the same was the case with water. Lakes and streams are additionally utilized for showering and washing purposes because of which gigantic amount of soil and contaminations get gathered into the water bodies. As a third world country, the pollution rate is high and since it is still growing, there are limited resources that can be used to curb the damage and the situation remains the same over the years. The normal cycle of water balance runs naturally like evaporation and rain. It also leads to the reduction of oxygen content in the rivers and lakes. For me, my family and friends are everything. Always believe in hard work, where I am today is just because of Hard Work and Passion to My work. Clean environment is the basic life supporting system and pure water plays a prominent role in balancing the ecosystem. Additionally, the offensive smell, unbearable taste or sight makes water a polluted commodity. The living component of the environment is adversely affected especially aquatic animals. The industries at Mathura have caused nearly irreversible damage to the condition of river Yamuna. Single person in a home consumes around 60-100 litres of water per day in the household activities. We should encourage our family members, children, friends, neighbors and co-workers to do the same from their end to get the positive result. Clean water is not only a necessity of human beings but it is also important for the survival of other species. One reason individuals have woken up to the matter of pollution is that it brings prices of its own that undermine any economic edges that crop up by polluting. Appropriate transfer of waste – There ought to be legitimate transfer of both strong and fluid waste. It is not only important to us but it is also essential for all the living species, plants and trees. Uncontrolled discharge of wastes and improper sanitation also contribute to water pollution. Irresponsible use of water and too much of water wastage have also reduced the availability of clean water. However, due to various activities, especially of the human beings, this water has been contaminated to such an extent that researches have been forced to study the effect of this phenomenon on the life on earth. Each one of the toxins is exceptionally destructive to nature. As the oil floats on the water surface, it prevents the flow of oxygen into the water and thus sabotages the life expectancy of marine animals and plants. In the framework for the basic essay, each paragraph in the body of the essay is controlled by its own topic statement, which focuses on one aspect of … Most of this contamination as on date is due to various human activities. Waste management units are unable to keep pace with increasing amount of waste generation. In any case, in the present social orders, we frequently observe a recovery of old conventions and a more normal and manageable utilization of water. No human activity can be possible without pure water. It should be noted that negative impacts can arise from a high concentration of substances that occur naturally. There has been a rise in water temperature levels due to global warming which has even led to the death of water animals as well as plants as they were not able to survive in the increased temperatures. You can select any of the save water essay given below according to your need and requirement. The term “Save Water” urges us to save one of the mother earth’s most significant natural resources – water. Through various activities, sometimes inadvertently, we pollute our ecosystem with toxic materials dumped into our water. One of the most popular features of water is also the cause of water pollution. After air, water is the most vital resource which our Mother Nature has given to us. The fifth edition of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: A Contemporary Approach iscoming soon. Water pollution is the contamination of water by pollutants. Eutrophication is a process where an increased level of nutrients in water bodies results in growth of algae in water. Hence it becomes our duty to save water and avoid its wastage. But now, with almost seven billion people on Earth, it is now very evident that we have limits and water pollution is one big sign that we have crossed those already. In other words, water is said to be polluted when it is adulterated due to anthropogenic contaminants. Water pollution can be classified into marine pollution, surface water pollution and also nutrient pollution. Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas. Everyone should understand their individual responsibility and try to save water as much as they can in their daily activities. Water pollution results from a various human activities and developmental factors. The first and foremost cause of water pollution is the dumping of industrial wastes directly into the water bodies, and catchment areas without proper treatment. A popular indicator of water pollution is Coliform bacteria; it does not cause any disease but is a good bacterial indicator. It washes up on our beaches, it reappears as air pollution, it creeps into our water supply; it … The larger question we should ask is whether, as a matter of policy, we should ever encourage the use of a technique the tendency (if not the intention) of which is psychologically pathogenic. Put a stop to the drop. Below are some facts which will help you to know how valuable the clean water is: There are few easy ways which helps to save water without changing your lifestyle. The quantity of clean water is very limited and it is majorly available in lakes, rivers and ground water. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});