As early as August 9, 2006, Eric Schmidt first proposed the concept of cloud computing at the search engine conference. A node-exporter -> pushgateway would allow to pull a whole cluster from the main entry point. I don't think we need any changes to the node-exporter. ErlangVM: the number of every EMQ X node Erlang virtual machine process/thread, the historical statistics of ETS/Mnesia database usage. Is there a way to make node exporter to push metrics to push gateway? Click button Upload.json file, then select the corresponding folder and data source after importing. So it exposes whatever you assigned to it as a module. Users can directly import to Grafana for displaying the icon of EMQ X monitoring status. prom/pushgateway-linux-ppc64le The following example exposes simple string message as a module in Message.js.Now, import this message module and use it as shown below.Run the above example and see the result as shown below. Flags. docker pull prom/node-exporter docker pull prom/prometheus docker pull prom/pushgateway Running node-exporter It is optional, used t o collect server indicators such as CPU, memory, network, etc. # The following data will be generated by default in every time series of local, mainly used for union query, remote storage and Alertmanager, # Load rules, regularly evaluate rule according to evaluation_interval, # Means that every time series in this configuration will automatically add this label {job_name:"prometheus"}, # node-exporter fill in according to the actual situation, # pushgateway fill in according to the actual situation, ## the cycle of data collection/push, measured in millisecond, # TYPE erlang_vm_logical_processors gauge, # TYPE erlang_vm_logical_processors_available gauge, # TYPE erlang_vm_logical_processors_online gauge, # TYPE erlang_vm_statistics_context_switches counter, # TYPE erlang_vm_statistics_garbage_collection_number_of_gcs counter, # TYPE erlang_vm_statistics_garbage_collection_words_reclaimed counter, # TYPE erlang_vm_statistics_garbage_collection_bytes_reclaimed counter, # TYPE erlang_vm_statistics_bytes_received_total counter, # TYPE erlang_vm_statistics_bytes_output_total counter, # TYPE erlang_vm_statistics_reductions_total counter, # TYPE erlang_vm_statistics_run_queues_length_total gauge, # TYPE erlang_vm_statistics_runtime_milliseconds counter, # TYPE erlang_vm_statistics_wallclock_time_milliseconds counter, # TYPE erlang_vm_memory_atom_bytes_total gauge, # TYPE erlang_vm_memory_bytes_total gauge, # TYPE erlang_vm_memory_processes_bytes_total gauge, # TYPE erlang_vm_memory_system_bytes_total gauge, # TYPE erlang_mnesia_transaction_participants gauge, # TYPE erlang_mnesia_transaction_coordinators gauge, # TYPE erlang_mnesia_failed_transactions counter, # TYPE erlang_mnesia_committed_transactions counter, # TYPE erlang_mnesia_logged_transactions counter, # TYPE erlang_mnesia_restarted_transactions counter, # TYPE emqx_subscriptions_shared_count gauge, # TYPE emqx_subscriptions_shared_max gauge, # TYPE emqx_vm_process_messages_in_queues gauge, # TYPE emqx_packets_connack_error counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_connack_auth_error counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_publish_received counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_publish_inuse counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_publish_error counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_publish_auth_error counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_publish_dropped counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_puback_received counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_puback_missed counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_pubrec_received counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_pubrec_missed counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_pubrel_received counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_pubrel_missed counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_pubcomp_received counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_pubcomp_inuse counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_pubcomp_missed counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_subscribe_received counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_subscribe_error counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_subscribe_auth_error counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_unsubscribe_received counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_unsubscribe_error counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_unsuback_sent counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_pingreq_received counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_pingresp_sent counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_disconnect_received counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_disconnect_sent counter, # TYPE emqx_packets_auth_received counter, # TYPE emqx_messages_qos0_received counter, # TYPE emqx_messages_qos1_received counter, # TYPE emqx_messages_qos2_received counter, # TYPE emqx_messages_dropped_expired counter, # TYPE emqx_messages_dropped_no_subscribers counter, # TYPE emqx_delivery_dropped_no_local counter, # TYPE emqx_delivery_dropped_too_large counter, # TYPE emqx_delivery_dropped_qos0_msg counter, # TYPE emqx_delivery_dropped_queue_full counter, # TYPE emqx_delivery_dropped_expired counter, # TYPE emqx_client_auth_anonymous counter, EMQ helps SAIC Volkswagen building IoV platform, Build IIoT APP based on Modbus with Neuron, EMQ X + ClickHouse implements IoT data collection and analysis, Lightweight edge computing EMQ X Kuiper and AWS IoT Hub integration solution, EMQ X helps operators build large-scale NB-IoT platform, EMQ&YottaCloud-Retrospect and Prospect of IoT Energy Consumption Monitoring Project, Lightweight edge computing EMQ X Kuiper and Azure IoT Hub integration solution, 2019 Smart China Expo - EMQ & Intel MEC IoT Edge Solution, Build EMQ X + InfluxDB + Grafana IoT data visualization solution in one hour, EMQ officially launched the solution for IIoT, The comparison of usual MQTT client tools, ESP8266 connects to the free public MQTT broker. Prometheus- installing, troubleshooting install and using for cluster health monitoring. EMQ X MQTT broker push metrics data through Prometheus push gateway, supports the following indicator items. It is a base brick on most of prometheus-based monitoring setup. Going to lock this now. The example greenhouse monitoring system uses a Python program to collect data from the sensors and produce a Prometheus-formatted export file, and Node Exporter publishes these metrics. Aerospike exporter; ClickHouse exporter After finishing building and running a full set of systems for a while, the data collected by Prometheus will be displayed in Grafana. If you need more delicate visual displays, please use it with Grafana. in the Adding data source in Grafana, then select Prometheus and fill in the correct address to finish adding data. Requests to :8081/metricswill be handled by Prometheus. Other exporters is also available, such as: haproxy_exporter, blackbox_exporter etc, then you also get pushgateway which is used to push data to, and then your exporter configuration scrapes the data from the pushgateway endpoint. Expected to get a simple bar graph with duration as y-axis and time of push of duration as x-axis. If users use Docker to install, need to map the status files responded by the target server.
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