Beowulf is about to attempt to use a weapon although they were useless against her; “then he saw, hanging on the wall, a heavy sword… but so massive that no ordinary man could live its carved and decorated length” (72). Women were usually only minor characters who are often not even named. PLAY. Then, Beowulf uses his dagger and “quickly cut the beast in half, slit it apart” (107). Man cannot explain any fantastic element because it is beyond nature’s control. In the epic poem, “Beowulf”, Beowulf was the most heroic man of the Anglo-Saxon times. Beowulf is a prime example of an Anglo-Saxon epic hero because he showed bravery, loyalty, friendship, and the Anglo-Saxon idea of afterlife. National Hero- recognized as a hero in their own country. Beowulf, the main character in the epic poem Beowulf, is blessed with superhuman strength, a magical weapon only he can yield, as well as a fierce sense of loyalty to his people and an obligation to protect them no matter what the cost, earning him the rank of an epic hero. Although these traits were valued much longer ago, devotion, strength, and courage are still important to many of us today. However, he does come across some trouble in the form of Grendel s mother. Beowulf performs many brave deeds that no normal human being would dare try. After Beowulf had served his people as King of the Geats for fifty years, he goes to battle one last time to fight a dragon that is frightening all of his people. Beowulf, like other epic heroes, possesses the following heroic qualities: epic heroes are superhuman types of beings. So is Beowulf a hero? Beowulf also has charming abilities when it comes to speaking or influencing others, like how he woes the king when he first arrives to the land of the Danes. This content was submitted by our community members and reviewed by Essayscollector Team. They are dominant male figures and suffer severe pain, but in the end, they conquer evil. Beowulf would then be dragged to the battle-hall, where he would defeat the monster. Beowulf displays all of these heroic characteristics in many situations throughout the poem. “Beowulf” is a heroic epic poem written by an unknown author in Old English, some time between the 8th and the 10th Century CE. During this poem Beowulf has exhibited similar values of Anglo-Saxon warriors which are honor, loyalty, strength, courage, risk taking, and help their people to survive. Anglo-Saxons were a warrior and seafaring culture and the result is that they loved tales like Beowulf because of his bravery and warrior-like demeanor. When Beowulf is fighting Grendel’s mother, he is able to slay her by slashing the monster’s neck with a giant sword that can only be lifted by a person as strong as Beowulf. People felt that all of the great deeds that he had done made him deserve glorification. Beowulf had slain Grendels’ mother. But Grendel was a monster that was eating his men and Beowulf was not taking that too well. Shortly thereafter, Grendel s mother comes to Hrothgar s kingdom in search of revenge. He does in fact face Grendel and rips his arm clean off his body, but not before one of his men is devoured by the creature. Every epic hero possesses certain heroic characteristics. 3). In a warrior type of society, physical prowess on the battlefield was praised more than any other characteristic you can possibly have, more than intelligence or piety. Hrothgar’s men finally think that they no longer will be plagued with the presence of the monster and that now they can sleep in peace. Beowulf is an epic Beowulf satisfies all of these requirements. The character is admired for great achievements or affected by grand events. Epic heroes from literature, who were more courageous and powerful than ordinary mortals, include Achilles, Perseus, Hercules, Odysseus and Beowulf. Regardless, he always paid homage to Jesus before and after every task he accomplished. He volunteers himself to fight Grendel and when Grendel’s mom seeks revenge he goes to the lake and takes on the challenge. An epic hero is a brave and noble character in an epic poem. The dragon was eventually killed by Beowulf, but Beowulf took a lot of damage. Most of the time, a selfish hero can be categorised as an epic hero, and a selfless hero with the modern day hero. Is on a quest. The values and traditions of the original composers of this story cause Beowulf’s character to be the perfect example of an Anglo-Saxon epic, always reappears is "What is an epic hero?" Without leadership skills, there was no way for Beowulf to become the hero that he was. This shows the strength and bravery of Beowulf. He believes that Grendel is much better suited than a dragon; however, a dragon turns up in Beowulf. These characteristics are what help to classify Beowulf as a true epic hero. Early in the story, he summoned by the old and wise Danish king Hrothgar. Therefore, Beowulf’s loyalty requires him to be tested during so many grand events only helping prove his hero status. He was under God first and King’s second. Later on, when he is already around 50 years old, a Geatish slave arouses an ancient dragon by taking one of his pieces of treasure. He shows all of the qualities and traits that a true hero possesses. Because of the rise in crime in the Twentieth Century, there are many things to fear such as getting mugged, robbed, raped, killed, or even just getting lost, but none of these compares to fighting gigantic sea-monsters and vicious beasts. Bravery is his most underrated strength. Beowulf is a prime example of this type of hero. Beowulf, like other epic heroes, possesses the following heroic qualities: epic heroes are superhuman types of beings. Beowulf risks his own life for the Danes, asking for help from no one. Beowulf hears about Grendel's 12 year bloody reign on Herot. There are additional examples of the use of fantastic elements in Beowulf. She enters the hall and grabs Aeschere and her son’s arm. Some of Beowulf’s most important traits as an epic hero include bravery, loyalty, honor, superhuman physical strength, and the willingness to risk his life for the greater good. Beowulf’s uncle is the king of the Geats so he is sent to help kill Grendel. Triumph over the lesser and more nearly human is canceled by defeat before the older and more elemental” (Nicholson 86). Beowulf displays an epic hero by being an unmatched warrior who was victorious among all men, a battler of supernatural foes, and he had capabilities of no ordinary mortal man. Beowulf shows his will to fight for what he desires whenever he says, “This is not your, nor is it up to any man except me to measure his strength against the monster or to prove his worth. Beowulf is set in the Anglo-Saxon society, a time when war was common between people trying to conquer different kingdoms in England. He is important and needed by his people and is known by many as a strong, courageous, and helpful person. They display great intelligence and resourcefulness. In the beginning of the reading, Beowulf faces a rude and self-absorbed being with the name of Grendel. Analysis of Beowulf as an Epic Hero The definition of a hero from ancient times to the present day has evolved greatly, but they often still possess characteristics synonymous across all cultures and timespans. In modern times, they are often thought of as role models for others to live up to and are generally humble, honest, and not afraid to put others in front of themselves. This is not really a revolutionary idea for epic heroes, as we see the heroes of the. Once he is in Grendel’s mother’s mere, Beowulf remains underwater for more than a day (Burlin 120). In the epic poem, “Beowulf”, Beowulf was the most heroic man of the Anglo-Saxon times. Others would argue that to be truly heroic the character must never turn tail and always face the obstacle head-on even though he or she may die in the process. Most could say Beowulf is the perfect example of an Anglo-Saxon hero. People had a great love for Beowulf’s bravery and looked up to him. To be noble, one has to take risks on his own behalf to save the suffrage of others, because he wants to. Beowulf says, “A monster seized me, drew me swiftly toward the bottom, swimming with its claws tight in my flesh. Grendel kills mortals by devouring men whole. Beowulf : An Epic Hero. What does it mean to be a hero? His mental strength was tested after all of those wars, but he calmly took it and got stronger after every one. Beowulf is also strong enough to kill the monster Grendel with his bare hands by ripping off his arm. Beowulf grasped his arm and sat up. The battle with Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon display an array of fantastic elements. A second heroic quality that Beowulf possesses is that he performs many brave deeds. Along with the valorous deeds that Beowulf accomplished he is considered to be a prime example of an epic hero. Once again Beowulf turns to his savior Jesus to help him find a way to defeat this nearly invincible creature, and he answers by showing him the way to the giant’s sword, which Beowulf uses to destroy Grendel s mother. Beowulf is a great example of the epic hero. From what we can see he was a very good king, probably better than his uncle and cousin, maybe the best king the Geats ever had. He fulfills most of the requirements to be considered an epic hero. An example of this is the reference to the biblical figure Cain being a related figure to a despises of the kingdom. Iliad, Odyssey, and the Aeneid constantly praying to the gods for glory on the battlefield. Beowulf Paragraph question: Epic Heroes show values of their culture. An example of these brave deeds is whenever he boasts about killing sea monsters in the ocean. He proves his heroicness on the battlefield a countless number of times over the course of his life. So nobody will ever forget the great Beowulf and the legacy he left behind, he tells his troops to “construct a barrow/ …on the coast” in his honor, so it will be “…a reminder among [his] people—/ so that incoming times crews under sail/ will call it Beowulf’s Barrow” (l. 419-424). (2020, Sep 25). These are all outstanding examples of Anglo-Saxon epic heroes because they all came, Anybody can be a hero, but being selfish or selfless defines what kind of hero you are. “The Anglo-Saxon period stretched over 600 years, from 410 to 1066…” (BBCHistory), was a culture that, characteristics of an epic hero range from unfathomable strength and courage to simply being a good person. An epic hero, an Anglo-Saxon hero, a modern-day hero; A hero is is often defined by certain qualities, looked upon traits. Thirdly, Beowulf is very significant and glorified. Beowulf: Epic Hero Essay example. Browse the database of more than 2500 essays donated by our community members! Not only had Beowulf been swimming for seven nights, he had also stopped to kill nine sea creatures in the depths of the ocean. Before Beowulf attempted to rid the land of Grendel, men tried to slaughter him, “but their points could not hurt him, the sharpest and hardest iron could not scratch at his skin” (48). However, their sleep did not last long. But dying as a noble person, as a leader, and a courageous man is what made Beowulf the hero that he was. As he is fighting the beast Grendel for the first time, Beowulf manages to defeat him single-handedly with no weapons, as if Grendel never even had a chance. In my mind, this is another instance of his overconfidence. He who served his people by defeating the harmful monsters had given his life for his people. A good example is Beowulf from the Anglo-Saxons. The hero is charged with a quest. Analyzing Beowulf’s three battles, one can easily see Beowulf’s heroic characteristics prevail. Flashcards. Beowulf’s physical strength is revealed to the reader through his amazing feats and his unbelievable battles with mystical creatures. But fate let me find its heart with my sword, hack myself free; I fought that beasts last battle, left it floating lifeless in the sea” (ll.286-291). Epic heroes possess qualities that mere mortals lack. deadline 3 hoursWriters: ESL, ENLRefund: Yes, Payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, JCB, DIscover, Prices start at $12Min. A hero is often defined by certain qualities, looked upon traits. There are multiple examples that resemble the journey Beowulf encounters that fits the mold of an epic poem. An example of these brave deeds is whenever he boasts about killing sea monsters in the ocean. The Danes boasted as they praised the man from across the sea who would serve the Danes the way Beowulf did. His mind was flooded with fear-but nothing could take his talons and himself from that tight hard grip. In conclusion, Beowulf had all of the great qualities of an epic hero. However, the king knows that he will probably never see Beowulf again and weeps at his departure. Early proof of Beowulf’s extraordinary strength is evidenced by his dismemberment of Grendel’s limb, the fight in the cave underwater, and the magic sword (Klaeber xiv). Now, with that night’s fierce work; the Danes had been served as hed boasted hed serve them; Beowulf, a prince of the Geats, had killed Grendel, ended the grief, the sorrow, the suffering forced on Hrothgar helpless people by a bloodthirsty fiend (350-355, 43). Beowulf is so great a warrior that he feels it would be unfair for him to fight with Grendel using a weapon, so he challenges him a hand to hand. Beowulf is very significant and glorified throughout this epic poem. Epic heroes usually exemplify traits most admire in their societies, and Beowulf is no exception. Meaning that the hero had to be either a king, prince, knight, or some other high-ranking person in society. And all at once, the greedy she-wolf who’d ruled those waters for half a hundred years discovers him, saw that a creature from above had come to explore the bottom of her wet world. Grendel’s one thought was to run from Beowulf, flee back to his marsh and hide there (276-279, 41). On numerous accounts, Beowulf involved himself in many challenges such battling Grendel, Grendel’s Mother, and the Dragon to prove himself as a hero. He realizes the dangers but fears nothing for his own life and cares only for the people. Grendel has terrorized Herot for twelve years. During his swim match with Breca, Beowulf dressed in full armor, was attacked by nine sea monsters and killed them all. On the same note, Beowulf shows loyalty in the very beginning of the story when he willingly wants to help Hrothgar. The main difference is that they are pagans, and Beowulf is a Christian, which does not even really make sense because he was a Viking warrior and the Vikings were not Christians. Beowulf is an epic poem from Anglo-Saxon culture written between the 8th and 11th centuries. A few great examples of the Anglo Saxon epic hero are the literary characters in Beowulf, "The Wanderer," and The 13th Warrior. Just the courage not to run away, but to fight the beast, Beowulf proved himself to be a courageous man. The slave character was not named too, which in my mind would indicate that women had little more status than slaves or property during the times of the Vikings. He has no need for air he is a hero. He is aware that he will be glorified in life or death for his actions. Examples Of The Epic Hero Of Beowulf. The poem is a prime example of a literary epic, focusing on the heroic quest of its title character, Beowulf, a Scandinavian warrior. Beowulf: The True Characteristics Of An Epic Hero 624 Words | 3 Pages. He risks his life in many of his adventures in the poem to achieve these goals. The story involves two journeys across the sea (although relatively brief): at first, Beowulf has to sail from Geatland to Denmark in order to kill Grendel and rescue the Danes; after completing his mission, he returns to his homeland, where he spends the rest of his life. Beowulf has a set in stone fate that his shown through his heroic deeds that he first explains to king Hrothgar when he … “I come to proffer my wholehearted help and counsel., Beowulf Epic Hero Essay. deadline 6 hoursWriters: ESLRefund: Yes, Payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Prices start at $11Min. In that prayer, Beowulf asked God to award either Grendal or himself the victory, as the “Ruler-all-wise” saw fit. He stabs the dragon with the sword and it snaps and breaks. xoshannon_ Terms in this set (6) Is significant and glorified. Match. In the case of any content-related problem, you can reach us through the report button. Beowulf is a very brave and courageous person always putting his people before himself. Beowulf has the traditional characteristics of an epic hero. In this epic poem, Beowulf performs these many brave deeds because he has so much courage. Since Beowulf was so willing to risk his life for others, he gained much glory. These characteristics all formed how the Anglo-Saxons believed one should live their life. Beowulf, who is now 50 years old, and not nearly as strong or fast as he was when he was 20, undertakes the deadly mission. Beowulf never had a problem with putting himself in danger for the good of others. others. This implies magical powers that beowulf uses. Or better yet an epic hero in Anglo Saxon culture. Through all of his grand quests, he did nothing but prove to others that he truly is an epic hero. Another example of Beowulf risking death to fight for people who needed his help is whenever “In his far off home, Beowulf, Higlac’s follower and Hickman 2 the strongest of the Geats—greater and stronger than anyone ever in this world—heard how Grendel filled nights with horror and quickly commanded a boat fitted out, proclaiming that he’d go to that famous king, would sail across the sea to Hrothgar, now when help was needed” (ll.109-116). Then Beowulf rose, still brave, still strong, and with his shield at his side, and a mail shirt on his breast, strode calmly, confidently, toward the tower, under the rocky cliffs: no coward could have walked there (633-636, 53). I thought I could pin him down struggling for life without his body’s escape… (Ch. Write. Beowulf’s heroic qualities are further exemplified by the use of fantastic elements. He moved quickly through the cloudy night, Up from his swampland (233-238, 40). Out from the marsh, from the foot of the misty hills and bogs, bearing God’s hatred, Grendel came, hoping to kill anyone he could trap on this trip to high Herot. When Beowulf descends into Grendel’s mere, he loses ground as the fight progresses. Some of these traits are; selflessness, wisdom and physical strength. Before dying, however, Beowulf succeeds in killing the dragon. Also, during that time Christianity and pagan views were popular. At this point, Grendel was afraid of who this man was. So is Beowulf a hero? The Anglo-Saxon code reflects much of the code of Chivalry, the code of the Samurai, to the modern-day code of just doing good. The epic hero often battles for good, or accomplishes a set of tasks to complete an important goal. Shed welcomed him in her claws (454-458, 47). He also has so much desire to conquer any challenge that comes his way. What does it mean to be a hero? They include a fire breathing dragon and sea monsters (Burlin 119). The battle with Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon display an array of heroism expressed by Beowulf. He does not give up though! He leaped into the lake, would not wait for anyone answer; the heaving water covered him over. An Epic Hero, an Anglo-Saxon Hero, a Modern-Day Hero. And he is on the alert for wrongs to be righted. Hrothgar, who we are told by the poet was a wise old king, says that Beowulf would make a great king in the future, and for such a young warrior, he is around 20 years old, he is very wise. The hero usually has a guide or guides. They cannot find his body and turn back. deadline 3 hoursWriters: ESL, ENLRefund: Yes. Beowulf is successful in upholding both the heroic and Christian ideals. Beowulf grabs hold of Grendel’s claws and finally rips off his arm. These characteristics led me to believe, Beowulf is successful in upholding both the heroic and Christian ideals. Beowulf is a tremendous warrior and a brave prince, but he was no ordinary man this Beowulf, he was more of a god than a man. However, in my mind, he does have one flaw that is associated with greed, his greed for everlasting fame. This shows Beowulf’s strength, courage, and fearlessness. After celebrating his first victory, the king asks for his help once again. In Beowulf, marvelous elements are everywhere. Then he saw, hanging on the wall, a heavy sword, hammered by giants, strong and blessed with their magic, the best of all weapons but so massive that no ordinary could lift its carved and decorated length, he drew it from its scabbard, broke the chain on its hilt, and then, savage, now, angry and desperate, lifted it high over his head and struck with all the strength he had left, caught her in the neck and cut it through, broke bones and all, her body fell to the floor, lifeless (513-524, 49). It is rare to see any woman in epic poems taking on the role of a hero. An epic hero in my eyes is oneself who comes to portray the beliefs of the society in which the tale/story is depicted. A few great examples of the Anglo Saxon epic hero are the literary characters in Beowulf, "The Wanderer," and The 13th Warrior. Beowulf is the ultimate example of an epic hero who risks his life countless times for the good of others. Although there has been debate about whether or not Beowulf is as noble at the end of the epic as he is at the beginning, he is considered a prime example of the epic hero and is given as … Beowulf single-handedly carrier thirty suits of armor from the battlefield in Frisnia and swims with them through the North Sea and the Skagerrak to Geatland, a distance of five hundred miles (120). Even before he picked up the giant-hammered weapon, he had his own sword, Hrunting, that he used to fight his foes in previous clashes. He is similar to Satan because he is superhuman in size and strength and is hostile towards man. when beowulf was fighting the mother of grendel he used a magical sword to kill her. Imagine watching a monster eat your friends, and then come after you. Beowulf was able to defeat enemies that no other man would challenge. Grendels’ mother lived under a fiery lake and for Beowulf, this was not a tough task. When Beowulf fights Grendel and Grendel’s mother, he is immortal. Analyzing Beowulf’s three battles, one can easily see fantastic elements in this epic poem. It is then assumed that Beowulf is fighting desperately for his life. Beowulf’s accomplishments were talked about among all people. Perseus, son of a mortal woman and the king of the Greek gods, Zeus, managed to beheaded Medusa, the Gorgon with snakes … In Anglo Saxon times, Beowulf is considered a well known epic hero. Grendel had been attacking Hrothgar’s men and killing them in their sleep, so Beowulf comes to battle the monster, Grendel. Test. This strength is a key trait of Beowulf’s heroism. Beowulf’s last battle with a dragon is the final substantial fantastic element in this epic poem. Beowulf: The Epic Hero Essay Example One characteristic that is needed in order for one to qualify as an epic hero is the performing of brave deeds. Even though Beowulf was eventually slain in battle, he died never knowing defeat. Beowulf is an epic hero. A second heroic quality that Beowulf possesses is that he performs many brave deeds. Beowulf’s strength is exemplified many times in the story. Bravery beyond compare, superhuman intelligence, strength or skills and a driving desire to find success. The values of the Anglo-Saxons, who would have read and admired this poem, included loyalty, bravery, and honor. However, besides the fact that Beowulf was of noble lineage and that he was a great warrior, he has some other noble qualities. Beowulf was a prince and a warrior who was a hero among his people of Herot. Considering all of Beowulfs traits and all other epic heroes traits, it can be safely said that Beowulf is a true epic hero. Some remained with the weapons, as the brave one ordered… (Ch. In the epic poem of Beowulf, Beowulf, a young Geat. The epic poem Beowulf describes the most heroic man of the Anglo-Saxon times. Throughout the poem, Beowulf relied on God to get through hard times. Beowulf spends most of his time battling brutes and hellions, but remember why he does risk his life to kill these monsters; to protect his people he has a fiery loyalty to, and to create a legacy that will be passed down for eternity. They show great bravery, intelligence, strength, and resourcefulness. Gravity. A lot of people are afraid of various things, and to be fearless is quite an honorable characteristic in one’s personality, although it could get you into trouble nowadays. After a cast out slave comes across a dragon s lair and steals his treasure, Beowulf s years of tranquility comes to an end. Beowulf came willingly to help the Danes, which was an unusual occurrence in a time of war and widespread fear. He grabbed the sword, which hung along the wall and began his battle. Beowulf was a god among men, who would never be outdone and would never face defeat. Beowulf’s great courage and will to fight helps him to take down the dragon. Even when he dies, he … Beowulf is an unordinary man who is a fierce defender in battle. Copyrights (c) 2021 All Rights Reserved. He embodied courage, honesty, loyalty, and much, 2015 From the moment Beowulf’s hands met with Grendel’s claws, the monster “Knew at once that nowhere on earth/ Had he met a man whose hands were harder” (l. 42-43). An epic hero is one who portrays the beliefs of the society in which the tale is depicted. An epic hero, such as Beowulf, is a type of hero coming from centuries old tales and poems from the Anglo-Saxon period. Another heroic characteristic that Beowulf possesses is that he is not afraid to die. Although these are fictional obstacles of great feats, they are still scary to think about. Beowulf epitomized the persona of an epic hero. After Beowulf had defeated Grendel “The old and young rejoiced, turned back from that happy pilgrimage, mounted their hard hooved horses, high-spirited stallions, and rode them slowly toward Herot again, retelling Hickman 3 Beowulf’s bravery as they jogged along” (ll.534-538). Beowulf, like other epic heroes, possesses the following heroic qualities: epic heroes are superhuman types of beings. surrounded by warriors, a mighty band of men. Beowulf was bitten by the dragon and injured. To begin with, Heorot is a fantastic mead hall that Hrothgar constructs for his warriors to celebrate in. “Epic heroes are literary characters from ancient mythology and other stories, which were written down in the form of long, narrative epic poems. For instance, “If the dragon is the right end for Beowulf… then Grendel is an eminently suitable beginning. I can show the wise Hrothgar a way to defeat his enemy and find respite” (line 277-280). Every epic hero possesses certain heroic characteristics. I wish you might have seen this enemy killed in his gear. These characteristics keep him set apart from all other character. In Beowulf’s early life, he swam for five to seven days with his companion Breca, killing sea monsters by night. In ancient times, more emphasis was put on strength and fearlessness, and epic heroes were often saviors of the land, sent down to Earth in its time of need by God’s hand. Unfortunately, like all great epic heroes, he was fated to die.
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