We offer a variety of services to different entities from organs of state to private companies to individuals. some  of our most commonly requested services are explained below but we are not limited to these. 

Boundary Surveys

Imagine building a structure worth millions of Rands erroneously on the adjacent piece of land. Boundary surveys are necessary to avoid such mistakes and they can save a project millions of Rands by making sure that structures are built within the correct boundaries.   In addition to this most municipal building inspectors usually require a Land Surveyor Certificate in respect to any newly erected structures. Boundary surveys also help resolve boundary disputes between neighbors.

Topographic Surveys
Topographic Survey

Topographic surveys are carried out to determine the terrain changes over a certain area. These surveys usually include a survey of all existing features on the ground like manholes etc. This is crucial for architects and engineers to be able to properly design the desired structure(s) whether it is a simple house or, a new road or a complex bridge.

Subdivision/ consolidation

Subdivision of land means one property is divided into two or more land parcels. This is a first step towards selling or transferring a piece or pieces of your land to someone else. Consolidation on the other hand is the opposite of subdivision, it is when you own two adjacent properties and for whatever reason you wish to combine and make them one.  Most new developments will include one of the two process above depending on the needs of that project.

Engineering Surveys
Eng Surv2

Engineering surveys include but are not limited to, setting out positions for new structures, new pipelines, and roads. In short, engineering surveys are carried out to facilitate construction or installation of engineering services. In some cases, monitoring of already existing structures is required to check their movements if any.

Township Establishments
New Township

When a new township is to be established, the land is surveyed and subsequently pegged to create small pieces of land from one big piece. A general plan is then created, which shows all the land parcels in relation to each other.

Sectional Titles

Sectional Title surveys are done to facilitate the registration of multiple property rights on one piece of land. An example of this is complexes and flats, multiple owners have legal rights on multiple buildings which are built on the same piece(s) of land. Sectional titles are not only for big developments such as flats or complexes, ideally you can register a part of your house that you are not using as a sectional title and sell it separately as long as it has a separate entrance and this is where we come in, we define the extent of each persons’ legal ownership in such a setup.


Imagine building a structure worth millions of Rands erroneously on the adjacent piece of land. Boundary surveys are necessary to avoid such mistakes and they can save a project millions of Rands by making sure that structures are built within the correct boundaries.   In addition to this most municipal building inspectors usually require a Land Surveyor Certificate in respect to any newly erected structures. Boundary surveys also help resolve boundary disputes between neighbors.

Topographic Survey
topographic surveys

Topographic surveys are carried out to determine the terrain changes over a certain area. These surveys usually include a survey of all existing features on the ground like manholes etc. This is crucial for architects and engineers to be able to properly design the desired structure(s) whether it is a simple house or, a new road or a complex bridge.


Subdivision of land means one property is divided into two or more land parcels. This is a first step towards selling or transferring a piece or pieces of your land to someone else. Consolidation on the other hand is the opposite of subdivision, it is when you own two adjacent properties and for whatever reason you wish to combine and make them one.  Most new developments will include one of the two process above depending on the needs of that project.

Eng Surv2

Engineering surveys include but are not limited to, setting out positions for new structures, new pipelines, and roads. In short, engineering surveys are carried out to facilitate construction or installation of engineering services. In some cases, monitoring of already existing structures is required to check their movements if any.

New Township
Township establishments

When a new township is to be established, the land is surveyed and subsequently pegged to create small pieces of land from one big piece. A general plan is then created, which shows all the land parcels in relation to each other.

SECTional titles

Sectional Title surveys are done to facilitate the registration of multiple property rights on one piece of land. An example of this is complexes and flats, multiple owners have legal rights on multiple buildings which are built on the same piece(s) of land. Sectional titles are not only for big developments such as flats or complexes, ideally you can register a part of your house that you are not using as a sectional title and sell it separately as long as it has a separate entrance and this is where we come in, we define the extent of each persons’ legal ownership in such a setup.