WeSurvey Inc. is a land surveying (geomatics) company based in Durban. Our field of expertise include, but are not limited to, Land, Engineering and Sectional Title Survey and everything in between. The company consists of professionals who have over 20 years of experience with knowledge in multidisciplinary projects and from diverse professional backgrounds.
Professional Land Surveyor and Sectional Title Practitioner with almost 10 years experience.
Over the years, Rose has worked in both the private and public sector, both in urban and rural spaces which has afforded her the opportunity to gather experience that enables her adapt to projects in different environmental settings. She specialises in the land development and management side of surveying.
Professional Land Surveyor and Sectional Title Practitioner with over 20 years’ experience.
Over the years Chris has gathered experience in diverse range of work both locally and internationally. Between the years 2000 – 2004 he was the site engineer and the senior surveyor in the project that involved building a new terminal in the Heathrow Airport in London. During the same period, he was the surveyor in the civil construction of the Eurostar rail linking London and Paris.
Chris has also worked in a variety of local projects in different spheres of the survey profession.